Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Things I have stitched this year and not blogged about yet.

I've been busy with Mum. She takes a LOT of caring for some days, so my stitching is limited to the rare moments when I have some time to do such things.

Anyway, I'm including some uploads of things I hinted at back in February, but that at the time could not post due to their imminent arrival on the other side of the world, and the fact that the person they were being sent to reads this blog!

So here goes.

For Valentines Day this year, my boyfriend received this lovely little freebie:

It comes from Gigi Online, and while I changed the colour of one of the sheep to suit a mating pair of sheep my Dad has, I have pretty much stuck to the pattern.

It will be here somewhere on the site. I cannot remember the date of the original, nor do I speak French well enough to be able to instantly go to where it is on the site, and I don't feel up to trawling through each and every single page just at the moment. I will include a better, more precise link when I am so inclined.

Secondly, I also sent my boyfriend another freebie for Easter. The last few years, due to the expense of postage, plus the rising cost of everything in general, we have agreed to make Valentines and Easter cards, rather than buy cards and presents. That way the card becomes the present!

So, I sent him a freebie I stitched from a an old filet crochet pattern I found on the About.com website:

I changed the colours, added silver thread to add a bow and painted the card with gold metallic paint. He apparently loved it!

The link is here:

Also, I wanted to add a scan of the finished (non-freebie) bookmark I gave to Mum last year (Mama's Song), by Told In A Garden:

As to what 2012 holds - as usual, my New Years Resolutions include more stitching, but whether that happens is another story. I am still very keen on the primitive stitchery, but recently found the joy of old filet crochet patterns, as they are often simplistic, and can be stitched in whatever colours you might have to hand (as can be seen by the Easter card above). So I guess you will just have to wait and see what gets posted next!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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