Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Finishes - recent and otherwise

Just two for today. :-)

One I finished today, starting it around the 27th or 28th of December 2013. I have had the pattern for about a decade now, so it's about time I did it. There is a second, complementary one, that I will be stitching in the new year.

The other is one I stitched many many years ago for my sister, and having Christmas Day celebrations at her place this year meant that I was able to take a photo of it with a digital camera, being that when I stitched it I had neither scanner nor digital camera at my disposal!

So here they are:

1. NON-FREEBIE - Stitched for me by me:

Design - Vase of Flowers Picture
Designer - Cross Stitch Collection 52 week part set thing
Fabric - 14 count ecru aida
Threads - as per the chart

2. NON-FREEBIE - Riolis - 'Oriental Lady' - for my sister:

(apologies for the angle of the photo)
Design - Oriental Lady
Designer - Riolis
Fabric - white aida (possibly 14 count)
Threads - red and black

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Presents and the like

Now that Christmas is over, pretty much, I can show all the things I made as presents for people and family.

So here goes:

1. NON-FREEBIE - Round Robin:

Design - Round Robin Kit
Designer - Mouseloft via Hobbycraft.co.uk
Fabric - 14 count blue aida
Threads - what was in the kit

2.  FREEBIE/NON FREEBIE - Geisha Girls:

Design - Geisha Girls (from Joan Elliott's Oriental Collection)
Designer - Joan Elliott
(free with #177 of The World of Cross Stitching)
Fabric - 14 count ecru aida
Threads - as per the chart (DMC)

This chart came from a booklet that was free with a magazine. So really the chart isn't free as you have to buy the magazine to get it.

3. UNKNOWN - The Angels Have The Phone Box:

Design - The Angels Have The Phone Box
Designer - UNKNOWN
(possibly from Etsy though?)
Fabric - 18 count Ecru Aida
Threads - DMC

Oddly enough, the Geisha Girls above took me two days to stitch, even though there were a multitude of colour changes. The Dr Who cross stitch, however, took me four very long days to stitch, the TARDIS taking up three of those days all by itself. I'll be happy not to have to stitch any Weeping Angels or TARDIS' again any time soon!

4. FREEBIE - Cyberman Head:

Design - Cyberman Head
Designer - Hancock's House Of Happy
Fabric - 14 count Ecru Aida
Threads - three shades of grey, black

5. FREEBIE - Dalek:

Design - Dalek
Designer - Hopper Artz
Fabric - 14 count ecru aida
Threads - Red, Yellow, Black

6. FREEBIE - Star Trek: The Next Generation Communicator Badge:

Design - Star Trek: TNG Communicator Badge
Designer: Starrley
Fabric - 14 count Ecru Aida
Threads - two shades of yellow, two shades of grey, black

7. FREEBIE - Racing Greyhound:

Design - Racing Greyhound
Designer - Gorgeous Greyhounds
Fabric - 14 count Ecru Aida
Threads - 310 Black

8. FREEBIE - Squirrel:

Designs - Figure 71
Designer - Priscilla Filet Crochet Book 1
Fabric - 14 count Ecru Aida
Threads - cheap thread pack

I think that's most of them. If there are any others I have forgotten, I will add them in the days to come.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Finishes, mostly old

I've been finishing off stuff to go in the post for overseas Christmas presents. Unfortunately, I cannot yet display them, however, in my travels I found some other things I CAN display.

I have no idea about designers and such, and they are old, old, old. Both are, I think, from British craft magazines, however.

1. NON-FREEBIE - pink rose

Apologies for the quality of the picture. Mum did the crocheted edge and the crocheted tie, but I did the stitching, on white 14 count aida. It was made for the mother of a friend, back in around 2000.

2. NON-FREEBIE - Santa Claus

I know this comes out of a freebie booklet from one of the British Magazines - possibly Cross Stitcher or Cross Stitch Crazy? Can't tell you when I made it, but maybe around 2004-2006?

After Christmas there will be more pictures to display, because everything that has been made will have been sent and received.

Stay tuned.